How to Safely Use Gun Concealment Purses

How To Safely Use Gun Concealment Purses

style="font-size: 20px; text-align: center;">Aug 6, 2019 11:25:55 PM

Gun concealment purses can be an excellent way to ensure 24/7 protection without having to make any wardrobe adjustments. That being said, carrying guns in purses has sparked a lot of debate, because accidents can happen if you don't take certain precautions. With the stories you've heard, you might wonder, is carrying a purse safe?

Like with any other method of concealed carry, you need to practice situational awareness at all times, ensure that your firearm is securely retained, and never let your purse out of your site. The habits for successful concealed carry are the same for any method, however, since a purse is not attached to your body, you have to exercise more diligence in keeping everyone safe.

Using A Concealed Carry Purse For Self Defense

Chances are, at some point in your life, you've encountered an environment or situation where you felt vulnerable to an attack, and not having protection made you nervous. If you're just starting to explore concealed carry options, maybe you like the idea of a women's gun purse because you want to feel secure during the different portions of your day.

Maybe you already carry, but it doesn't always work for you to conceal carry on your body. Perhaps you're tired of always adjusting your wardrobe, or at some point in the day you need to stash your gun somewhere else--like your purse!

Using A Purse For Concealed Carry

No matter your reason, a concealed carry gun purse is a great option for keeping yourself safe, and no, you don't even have to sacrifice style!

Like anything else, when you make the decision to carry, you have to make certain lifestyle adjustments. Dressing to protect really is a lifestyle, and one you'll be glad you embraced. That being said, it will take some initial effort for you to form safe habits, especially when it comes to concealed carry purses.

So, what practices will bring you the most success when you it comes to carrying a gun a purse?

Give your gun space

keep your gun separate from other items

Seriously, you gun is far too cool to be hanging out with all of your other purse items, what do you think this is?

In all seriousness, it's necessary that your gun is concealed in a separate compartment, and is not mixed with any of your other items. You don't want to risk snagging the trigger and accidentally firing your gun.

This is why it's preferable to purchase a purse specifically designed for concealed carry. These purses come equipped with a separately concealed gun pocket just for your firearm. This makes it easy to conceal carry your gun without sacrificing room for other daily necessities. For a quick draw, Tactica Defense Fashion offers ambidextrous side carriers.

For the greatest protection, it's recommended to carry your purse with the compartment open and your hand on the gun in preparation. This is a good technique when you're walking to your car after work, or getting on the subway. The purse is designed in such a way that it won't be overly obvious you're prepared for an attack.

However, with this protection on hand, chances are the confidence you exude will prevent people from even trying to mess with you!

Properly secure your gun

secure your gun inside your purse

Most purse accidents result from a gun being loosely placed into a purse. If your gun is in your purse, it needs to be retained inside a holster at all times. A purse gun holster is often provided with the purchase of a concealed carry purse. The holster attaches to a hook and loop fastener, offering more security than an ordinary purse. However, these holsters are made of fabric, and don't offer the greatest protection.

When you're carrying a gun inside a purse, your firearm is especially susceptible to movement. That's why it's necessary for your trigger guard to be protected. A hook and loop holster is best to pair with your concealed carry purse. Tactica Defense Fashion equips you with a hook and loop holster that has a molded shell. This design ensures your firearm will be securely retained inside the holster at all times. Also, it's extremely difficult for a child to pull a gun from a molded shell.

Don't let you purse escape your sight

keep your purse in sight

Many gun accidents can be attributed to neglectful abandon of the purse with a loaded firearm inside. No longer can you be in the habit of carelessly setting your purse down in any setting. You have to exercise situational awareness at all times.

If you know that you're walking into a situation in which you absolutely have to set your purse down, some concealed carry purses do offer lockable zippers. This allows you to lock your concealed carry compartment so no one can access your firearm unless they have the key.

Choose the right gun to carry

You carry a gun in a purse, and you don't have to worry about what you wear, but what about comfort? Will it be a pain to carry a gun around in a purse all day? It's a great point, so it's important to consider the best guns to carry in a purse. Additionally, you'll want to choose a purse that is made with comfortable, durable straps so your shoulders don't fall off!

If you're uncomfortable, your concealed carry practices won't be sustainable.

So what are the best guns for a woman to carry in her purse? It will depend on the woman, but typically you don't want to choose a gun that adds excessive weight. A compact to mid-sized firearm will suit your concealed carry bag best. Also, polymer pistols will reduce the weight of the gun.

Don't sacrifice style

carrying doesnt mean sacrificing style

You don't have to go out of style to stay protected. Tactica Defense Fashion offers a variety of concealed carry purses that merge fashion with expert safety design, so you can conceal and carry everywhere, from a laid back to the most sophisticated of settings. Tactica Defense Fashion also offers a wide variety of concealed carry clothing to go with!

If you exercise these practices, you'll be able to prevent most accidents. Concealed carry is an adjustment, but an incredibly powerful way to exercise your right to protect yourself.


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