Pros and Cons of Ankle Carry
Pros and Cons of Ankle Carry
style="font-size: 20px; text-align: center;">Feb 25, 2020 8:30:00 AMAre you considering ankle carry as a viable concealed carry option? Before you make up your mind, there are a lot of factors to consider.
Ankle carry is a standard method of concealed carry where the ankle holster is worn around the ankle on the inside edge of the non-dominant leg. It is common among police officers as a secondary carry method, and sometimes as a primary or secondary method by civilians who spend most of their days in a seated position.
Compared to carrying on a belt or in the pocket, a gun on the ankle is much more easily accessible, but not while standing.
In ankle carry, it is advisable to deliberate on the practicality of drawing the gun during an emergency. The position of the firearm requires one to support themselves entirely on the dominant leg and lift the other leg to draw out the gun, or to bend on one knee to access the gun with the dominant hand. This method of concealed carry, therefore, requires you to factor in a high level of fitness and continuous practice to conveniently save time in case of an attack.
If you are considering ankle carry, the pros and cons in this article will help you make an informed decision:
Why You Would Consider Ankle Carry

Ankle carry offers adequate concealability, bearing in mind that attention is rarely drawn to the legs. It is crucial to wear your ankle holsters with long pants that are either flared or baggy at the bottom. This promotes an effortless draw and ensures that your ankle carry gun is not exposed in a seated position.
Even though drawing the gun would take a longer process in a standing position, it is very convenient for a seated position. Take, for example, if you are attacked while driving, it would be more painless to access your handgun from your ankle than from your pockets.
Ankle carry is an excellent choice for a backup gun, in case you are either unable to access your primary handgun or if your primary handgun has been lost or malfunctions.
Drawbacks Of Ankle Carry
However, ankle carry has some known and significant drawbacks.
From a standing position, drawing from an ankle holster is time-consuming and awkward. You can access an ankle gun faster from a seated position, but it still isn't blisteringly quick.
Having to stop and kneel or bend over also makes you vulnerable in a situation when seconds count. This is why most people tend to ankle carry a backup gun rather than their primary weapon.
It's also true that your gun can easily collect dust, dirt and other particles from walking around. It is therefore recommended that you clean your gun at least once a week to keep it in excellent working condition.
Additionally, ankle carry is naturally limited to subcompact or micro-size pistols which - again - is one reason why it's normally employed for use with a pistol of last resort.
An ankle carry gun can prove quite uncomfortable if you need to walk, jog or run around often since it will flop around your leg. The weight and pressure that the gun exerts on the ankle takes to get used to.
Fortunately, many ankle holsters have been designed with features to increase the level of comfort of the user. It might be advisable to select an ankle holster with calf-retention straps to prevent it from sliding down into your shoes as a result of its weight.
A holster with a leg band that is both padded with foam and lined with sheepskin would also offer a more comfortable fit around the ankles.
Now, there are some people for whom ankle carry may be their only tenable carry method. Unless it is the only way you can carry, you should take some time to think about employing a different carry method for a primary carry gun if at all possible. While it is definitely a method for concealed carry, there's a reason why carrying on the waist is the default method.