5 Tips for Carrying with a Concealed Carry Purse
A Concealed Carry Purse Needs To Have A Dedicated Pistol Compartment
>A concealed carry purse offer a distinctive advantage for women over men. When it comes to off-body carry, a purse is flexible and offers high levels of discretion.A purse is part of a woman's everyday repertoire, so hiding your weapon in one will not attract as much attention. Even with its compelling advantages, the concealed carry purse is often used poorly.
When not used properly, the purse poses some dangers. Your weapon may end up in the wrong hands if stolen. You may fail to draw your weapon effectively in an emergency.
So how do you carry in a purse correctly?
A conceal and carry purse must have a dedicated pistol compartment, and you must only use it to store the pistol. You will want to store your weapon and supplies in dedicated compartments that are safe and easy to access in an emergency.
Unlike everyday purses, concealed carry purses have a holster meant to secure your gun correctly.
With a dedicated compartment, you reduce the likelihood that your gun will accidentally fire. Dedicated compartments also make it easier for you to access your gun quickly when you need to. Utilizing your purse's compartments, you will always know where your gun is.
Keep Your Purse Close At All Times
It's important to have your purse on you - or if not possible, as close as you can - at all times.
You cannot lose the purse and therefore your weapon. Theft is how many criminals get armed, so don't add to their arsenal. Therefore, don't ever set your purse out of reach. When you are out in restaurants, keep the purse under a chair next to you with the chair leg through the strap. At work, the purse should be on your desk within reach or in a locker if possible.
To improve accessibility, you should always have your purse on your body. You will need to access it quickly if you meet an attacker. While the concealed carry purse enables off-body carry, that makes it harder to get the gun out in an emergency. Experts advise that you should practice the cross-body draw, as it makes the purse harder to snatch, and keeps your weapons accessible at all times. Ensure your purse has a secure locking mechanism to help you tuck the gun safely when you are not using it.
Make Sure You Practice With Your Concealed Carry Purse
You should train how you'll fight, so make sure you practice with your concealed carry purse if you're going to carry with one.
If you are new to concealed carry purses, you will want to practice so you can get used to them. Start with an unloaded pistol at home and dry fire practice, and supplement it with live fire at the range.
With constant practice, you will improve your speed and efficiency, which are necessary for self-defense. Practicing also helps you know which draw method is best for you and your gun. Off-body carry limits access to your weapon, so you need to work up the muscle memory to draw and fire your weapon quickly. Practicing at the range allows you to simulate a real-life threat with moving targets, so it will help you to train your reflexes for the best reaction times.
Best Practice Is A Crossbody Draw
The best practice when carrying a gun in a purse, according to most experts, is to use a crossbody draw for a more efficient draw.
If you are right-handed, you should carry the purse on your left shoulder and vice versa. This way, it is easier to draw the weapon using your dominant hand and fire. While most bags are designed for right-handed individuals, the accessories industry has recognized the need for more inclusivity and is making ambidextrous purses.
If you ever find a purse marked as ambidextrous, test it for efficiency and flexibility before making your purchase. Cross-body carrying makes the purse part of your outfit, leaving both hands free to access the weapon when needed. All in all, make sure your weapon is easily accessible if you ever need to get it in an emergency.
Use A Purse Holster In Your Concealed Carry Purse
A purse holster can turn your everyday purse into a concealed carry purse. Most holsters are molded to fit your weapon perfectly, and can easily be mounted on your gun compartment. With a purse holster, your gun will be tucked, safe, and secure until you draw it when you need to.
Remember, while concealed carry purses offer the highest levels of comfort and flexibility, it only takes a moment of distraction for someone to gain access to your gun. Keep your purse with you at all times, and ensure that your gun is properly stored and secured. With the tips mentioned in this post, you will get to make the most of your concealed carry purse.