What's The Best Concealed Carry Purse?

What's the best concealed carry purse?

The truth is there isn't one single best one; it's more that there's a best one for you.

But it's also that there's a best concealed carry purse in terms of features that one has to have.

When it comes to any sort of holster or gear that's used to carry a gun, it has to have certain attributes, certain baselines that are covered or else you really shouldn't use it. And those are what a concealed carry purse has to have or else it shouldn't be used as one.

As far as what makes a purse best for you...it really depends on what you like in a purse and how well it fits into your lifestyle. That's completely up to you; we're all different, and we all like different things.

But what does the best concealed carry purse do that makes it a good purse for concealed carry?

The Best Concealed Carry Purse Incorporates A Purse Holster

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The best concealed carry purse will incorporate a purse holster in its design. This feature is essential.

Having an actual holster in the purse ensures the pistol is safely retained and protected while carrying...so long as the holster adequately protects the trigger guard. Having a holster also ensures a clean draw from the holster.

Again, so long as the holster itself is made to do so and not all necessarily are.

The holster should be attached to the purse in some fashion, rather than merely placed in the purse. What's typical is having a pad of hook and loop fabric to attach the holster to, which allows the user to attach the holster inside the purse.

A good idea is to find a hook and loop holster to use with the purse.

A women's concealed carry holster has to hold the pistol securely, and allow for a clean draw from concealment. A concealed carry purse must do likewise, or else it's worthless to carry a gun with.

The Best Concealed Carry Purses Have A Dedicated Holster Compartment

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Another must-have, which the best options will most certainly have, is a dedicated holster compartment.

It must be separate from the rest of the purse, and as mentioned it should either have a holster integrated into it or a method for attaching a holster in the compartment. Additionally, the compartment must have a method of opening and closure.

A zippered compartment is most common, and does the trick very well.

A good design appointment would be to have two zippers, one on either side so the purse could be used by someone of either hand orientation. This is actually an important design feature, for reasons we'll get into shortly.

You need to be able to make sure the pistol is enclosed in the purse, so it's as secured as it can be while in the purse...but you also need to be able to open it up in a hurry, if needs be.

The Best Practice Is To Wear A Purse Cross-Body

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It is the case that on-body is the best way to carry a gun, but cross-body is the best way to use one if you're going to carry your firearm in your purse.

The reason is that it actually gives you the fastest access and the most ergonomic draw compared to carrying the purse on the strong-side shoulder. Slinging the purse across the body also secures it a bit more to you, ensuring the purse isn't easily grabbed.

As a result, the best purse designs will have a shoulder strap that enables cross-body carry. This is also why it's a good idea to have a holster compartment that's either top-opening or has both right- and left-side zippers, so people of either hand orientation can use it.

The Best Concealed Carry Purse Also Fits Your Sense Of Style

best concealed carry purse

It's also important that a concealed carry purse fits your sense of style, and in your life as well.

If you wouldn't use the purse otherwise, why bother?

Some people need a purse with a larger main compartment. Busy working moms may have to carry a bit more with them, some women prefer a more minimal purse, or perhaps you want to have options by getting more than one.

Find a purse in the style or color you want, or several if the mood takes you!

It's one thing to talk about the features that concealed carry gear should have, but you're the one that's going to wear it. So make sure you get one you like to begin with! You won't find excuses to not use it, and enjoy your concealed carry purse as you use it.




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