Holster And Carrying Tips For Runners And Athletes

Good method for conceal carry while running

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Running is often a time when you need to carry a concealed firearm the most. You are focused on getting in shape and pushing yourself harder towards the next mile marker. The last thing your mind is thinking about is a mugger running up behind you.

The easy solution to threats while running or being athletic in general is to just run faster. The problem is, even Usain Bolt can't outrun a bear or get away from a mugger with a firearm.

What are some of the main reasons runners and other athletes might need a concealed carry firearm while outside?

  • Large animal attacks for those who climb or bike or run in wilder areas
  • Dog attacks when running around urban areas
  • Muggers and predators during the day or at night

Many people are forced to workout alone. You're bound to run through sketchy areas. Athletes tend to focus on the task at hand, making them vulnerable

Since these threats are quite real for runners and all athletes, let's take a look at some holster and carrying tips to help you feel safer and more comfortable with a gun bouncing around while you're active.

Some CCW Holsters Sound Better Than They Actually Are

I've heard some people recommend thigh or ankle holsters. since in theory these holsters move along with your legs and don't bounce much. In reality, and ankle holsters require long pants if you plan on concealing them, making it difficult for athletes to stay comfortable. We have also , and they are not exactly top-notch if you want a fast draw.

You'll Want to Deter Rust

If you run a 5k with an , you can expect the gun and the holster to be drenched afterwards. This shouldn't prevent you from carrying a firearm while running or working out, but it's something to keep in mind since moisture causes rust, and a rusted weapon is not the most reliable. Wipe down your gun and holster after you work out, and consider placing clothing in between your holster and skin to soak up some of the sweat. This also helps prevent a smelly holster.

It's worth mentioning that you might be out of luck if you plan on swimming with your weapon, unless you plan on using a torpedo. :) Seriously though, my old friend likes to run in the Pacific Ocean, so the water is up to his shins. This adds difficulty to his run, but it splashes water all over his body. I've read many solution, but I might consider trying a waterproof fanny pack or seeing if your fits underneath some wet suit leggings.

Staying Comfortable While Jogging

The primary concern with staying active and carrying is how to stay comfortable. If you start to run with a gun then you'll notice that the handgun and holster chafe, bouncing against your leg and even weighing you down on one side. You also might damage your gun if you plan on hiking or climbing and the firearm flops around, bouncing it into rocks and trees.

To solve the chafing problem think about wearing boxers or compression shorts underneath your holster so that the holster isn't rubbing directly against your skin.

Throw a pair of running shorts over this and you'll find that it works particularly well with IWB holsters.

I wouldn't ever run in a pair or cargo shorts, but sports such as hiking, climbing, boating and others are great for wearing heavier shorts. This gives you a chance to wear a belt, holding your holster up and fitting against your waist a bit easier.

Another suggestion I heard from a marathon runner is to carry fewer bullets to make the carry lighter. This is obviously up to you, but it makes sense in terms of comfort. If you are primarily carrying because you might encounter a bear, I'd bring a big gun with lots of ammo.

One final thought about staying comfortable while running with a concealed carry firearm: A few Alien Gear Holster users have been quite vocal on Reddit about how they simply take their IWB holsters and latch them onto regular basketball shorts. They tie the draw string as tight as they can to hold up the holster and prevent it from bouncing around. The one guy explains how he typically runs five miles with a using this simple setup.

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You Still Want a Quick Draw Holster

Let's face it, after running 10 miles you probably won't draw your handgun as quickly as you would at full power. Running around and staying active puts your mind and physical energy into other things, so you lose some of your tactical advantage. This means that we need to give you every advantage possible to make up for this.

Although sometimes it's your only option, consider straying away from placing your gun in a fanny pack or backpack. It's better than not carrying at all, but an attacker is not going to wait for your to fumble around with your zipper. Though you can use a which will firmly attach your handgun to the backpack strap.

Since concealed carry for athletes makes you a tad slower on the draw, situational awareness is your best friend. Workout with a friend or two in order to increase the amount of eyes you have looking for threats. Don't listen to music, particularly if you are running in an urban area. Hearing footsteps two seconds earlier might be your salvation. It's also wise to bring along a cell phone so you can quickly call for help after an altercation subsides.

If you run, climb, boat, play basketball or do anything else that seems athletic with your concealed carry weapon still on you,
Let us know how you make it work for you in the comments section

About The Author

Joe Warnimont is a writer for technology, marketing and survival / weapons companies. He manages a successful writing blog called "Write With Warnimont". Ever since earning his rifle merit badge he's taken an interest in gun legislation and self defense. You can find him riding his bike in Chicago or camping in Wisconsin.

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