How To Make Appendix Carry Holsters More Comfortable

Making Appendix Carry Holsters More Comfortable

Carrying a concealed weapon is an essential practice for many gun owners. However, maintaining comfort while doing so can be a bit of a challenge, particularly with appendix carry holsters, which are positioned in front of the hips.

In this blog, we'll go through a few top tips and tricks that can help make wearing appendix carry holsters more comfortable and convenient. Let's explore these strategies, including experimenting with belt tension, adding muzzle wedges and other foam padding, and finding the best position on your body.

Experiment with Belt Tension

One thing to experiment with is belt tenstion. What a lot of people find with appendix carry holsters is that small belt adjustments can make a big difference.

Granted, the tension of your belt plays an integral role in securing your holster and weapon. It's crucial that your holster is secured firmly enough that it doesn't shift or move when you're walking, running, or bending.

However, if the belt is too tight, it could push the holster too far into your body, causing discomfort.

You'll want to find the right balance: the holster should be secure and maintain concealment, but you should also be able to comfortably move. Don't hesitate to experiment with different belt tensions until you find what works best for you.

Add Muzzle Wedges And Padding To Your Appendix Holster

Another common trick is to add muzzle wedges and strategically-placed bits of foam padding to your appendix holster.

Adding a muzzle wedge puts a bit of padding between the muzzle end of the holster and your body, which is one of the "hot spots" so to speak where people experience discomfort. A muzzle wedge also helps you more effectively conceal the pistol, by causing the grip to press into your abdomen and adhere better to your body shape.

Foam padding can provide an extra layer of comfort between the holster and your body. Some people will even cut shoe inserts and add them to the back of the holster, or yoga mat foam. You can use glue or strips of Velcro with adhesive backing to make it easier.

How a lot of people approach it is by putting the holster on without padding, and walking around with it. Wherever they notice contact between the hoslter and the body, they add padding for comfort. It can make your holster look like a nightmare, but it makes a real difference wearing it!

Holster Positioning

Everyone's body is different, and each individual has unique comfort zones. Therefore, it's advisable to experiment with different holster positions on your body.

The sweet spot for most people is somewhere in the inguinal crease, between your leg and your groin. That natural void of space puts more of the holster where there isn't any of you, making it more comfortable.

Ride height is also a good thing to experiment with, both for comfort and for concealment.

However, make sure you balance comfort with accessibility. It does you no good to have a holster that's comfortable, but that you can't easily draw from.

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