Integrated Tourniquet
The Taq-Strap Integrated Tourniquet replaces your standard holster strap with a pre-positioned tourniquet that can stop a femoral bleed within five seconds from the point of injury while still keeping your holster fastened to your leg. The Taq-Strap does not require any additional equipment and can be worn as a stand-alone product with the included belt strap.
Utilizing the same battle-proven ratcheting technology found in M2 Inc's TCCC approved R.M.T, the Taq-Strap is simple and can be applied with one hand, even when blind and covered in contaminants.
The Taq-Strap replaces any 1.5” strap found in the most common tactical equipment and pouches, including gas mask bags, IFAKS, and holster plates of various brands.
This integrated tourniquet sits on top of your thighs and can be applied post-blast without visuals or assistance, making it invaluable in scenarios like IED explosions, aircraft mishaps, and catastrophic collisions.
Maintain "eyes on target" and return fire while applying a high and tight hasty tourniquet. Finish the fight until you can get to a safe place to apply a traditional tourniquet in accordance with TCCC doctrine.
The first-ever wearable, care-under-fire integrated tourniquet strap!
With nearly two decades of combined service in Naval Special Operations and as a Law Enforcement Officer, Randy Watts has served in several roles including Combat Search and Rescue, OEF/OIF Deployments, Anti-Piracy, Humanitarian Support, Personnel Recovery (SERE), International Criminal Investigative Assistance, Field Training Officer, Hostage Negotiator, UC Task Force Officer, Anti-Trafficking Operations, SWAT Entry, SWAT Medic, and SWAT Sniper. After inventing and patenting the first-of-its-kind in-place tourniquet “Taq-Strap”, Randy has joined the Alien Gear team to leverage his education and industry experience in creating the fastest, safest, most reliable gear for law enforcement and military personnel.
Our Rapid Force Duty Holster products are USA-made with a skilled local team of manufacturers and engineers. Our pride in being an American company is reflected in our products
Discounted pricing is available for Military and Law Enforcement agencies ordering large quantities of Alien Gear Holster products.